Family News

Battersea Dogs Home Seeks Forever Homes

We know that many LGBTQIA+ households enjoy the company of pets.  Dogs are popular, but are just, by the tiniest margin, pipped by cats as the most popular gay and trans companion animals.  Battersea Dogs and Cats Home has been in touch with their supporters to say that this summer, there is a great number of cats that are looking for new homes.  They report "At Battersea, we’re currently caring for the highest number of cats we’ve seen in the last five years. Whilst there’s no limit to the amount of time an animal can stay in our care, we urge prospective owners to conside

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Men Having Babies Conference Networks Gaydads

Men Having Babies Conference returns to New York with information on the medical, legal, financial and emotional aspects of surrogacy for gay men:   Whether you are thinking about becoming a father *someday* or actively pursuing parenthood - Men Having Babies Conference is

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LGBTQIA Families Make Ideal Homes for Kids

We know from studies and surveys that LGBT+ families make ideal loving homes for children.  Some studies even suggest that children from LGBTQIA+ headed households even do better in intellectual and emotional intelligence studies than those raised by cisgender heterosexuals.  Either way, the 

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Jack Whitehall Working on New Parenthood Show

The Metro newspaper reports that hate filled heteros have attacked proud new father, actor and comedian Jack Whitehall, who is working towards a new programme on parenthood.  His internet request for "pregnant people" to come forward was seized upon by the usual

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Gay Headed Families have "Better Outcomes"

Here's news that will be ignored by homophobes and moral might traditionalists because it contradicts their prejudices.  Scientific studies show that LGBTQIA+ headed families are just as functional and in fact do better than cisgender heterosexual ones in key areas.  Nicola Davies, Science Corres

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Homophobia destroys families, but there is a way back for reconciliation and love.


Amrou al-Kadhi writes in the Guardian about queer loving triumphing over all the odds put against it by bigotry and religious extremism.  He argues that whilst LGBTQIA radicalism and its critique o


Population Matters, a campaigning group which advocates for voluntary control of the sheer number of humans on the planet, has started a regular blog to monitor the antics of pro-natalists, whom th


New Family Social, which support LGBT headed adoptive and fostering households, are asking for people willing to share their stories of LGBT+ families.  The aim is to record people’s stories for th


Bristol based academic Doctor Finn MacKay writes in the Guardian on the prejudiced attitudes of straight society which tries to marginalise LGBTQIA parents through control of language.  There is no

Our Supporting Stations

BCfm - Our home station. Broadcasting across Bristol on 93.2fm
Gastonbury FM - Broadcasting across Glastonbury on 107.1fm
Bradley Stoke Radio - covering the Bradley Stoke area of Bristol on 103.4fm
Bath Sound - Making a noise about music, events and culture in Bath
Frome FM - covering Frome on 96.6fm
Thornbury FM - Streaming online from Thornbury near Bristol
Wave Radio - Streaming online from Weston Super Mare
Trans Radio UK - Online trans focused radio
The Global Voice - Radio For All!
Medway Pride Radio - for the Rainbow Community & Beyond
KTCR - Connecting Communities
Base Radio
Sanctity of Sound