Religion News

Secularists Raise Concerns Over School Plans

The National Secular Society says that a new wave of discriminatory faith schools is on the horizon.  They say "To appease demands from religious leaders, the Government wants to scrap the 50% cap on faith-based admissions at free schools.

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Rachel Shows the Way for Committed Christians

Ian Donley at LGBTQ Nation meets with Rachel Dennis, who has been through a roller coaster journey as a Christian activist, who today advocates for LGBTQIA people and says "“Jesus calls for us to go where people need help", about her work with young people, build

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Progressive Religious Groups Support Students

A number of progressive groups that support LGBTQIA+ equality, including Muslims for Progressive Values and branches of the Unitarian Universalist Church, have signed an open letter in which they support recent student occupations of university campuses in the Un

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United Methodists Repeal Bar on LGBTQ+ Clergy

LGBTQ Nation website reports that the United Methodist Church has voted to repeal its ban on LGBT+ people from serving the church as clergy.  The decision took place at the church’s General Conference, where the delegates voted 692-51 to remove the ban.  Many adv

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Documentary on Struggle for Church Equality

Instinct Magazine reports on a new movie from New Zealand's Dianna Fuemana and Paul Oremland, who also directed the feature.  Called "Mysterious Ways" the film considers the struggle for marriage equality in some religious denominations.  Oremland revealed the inspiration behind

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Dignity USA, a network for LGBT+ Roman Catholics says that "With leadership from the Aging with Dignity, Women of Dignity, and Dignity Young Adults, DignityUSA will soon be startin


The Student Christian Movement, which says that champions "progressive, student led faith", has long welcomed LGBTQIA+ Christians and has a proud history of lobbying for compassion


Sarbat, the organisation for LGBTQIA Sikh people, has issued its spring newsletter and are delighted to report that there are many meet ups coming this spring and summer.  


The gay and bisexual new age and pagan faith of Antinous, which has revived the sacred cult of the young lover of Hadrian, a religion which flourished in the second century, says t


Philadelphia Gay News reports that seemingly contradictory statements from the Vatican, the seat of the Roman Catholic Church, continue to confoun

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