Here's news that will be ignored by homophobes and moral might traditionalists because it contradicts their prejudices. Scientific studies show that LGBTQIA+ headed families are just as functional and in fact do better than cisgender heterosexual ones in key areas. Nicola Davies, Science Correspondent for the “Guardian” newspaper reports that a new study backs up previous research, concluding that a child’s development has little to do with their parents’ sexual orientation or gender identity. What’s more the research authors note “our review found most family outcomes were similar between these two family types, and sexual minority families have even better outcomes in some domains, such as child psychological adjustment and child-parent relationships,” The meta study was published in the highly respected and balanced BMJ Journal of Global Health. “Sexual minority parent groups showed higher levels of parent-child relationship quality, such as higher levels of warmth, greater amounts of interaction and more supportive behaviour, when compared with the heterosexual parent groups,” the researchers wrote.