Homophobia destroys families, but there is a way back for reconciliation and love. That was the message from the television series “Long Lost Relative” last week – the programme is enjoying a rerun on digital channel Quest Red on Friday evenings. A charming and often emotional programme, the show features Davina Mccall and Nicky Campbell as they meet people trying to trace long lost relatives, using the resources of a television station to make connections where regular ground work has failed. In an episode broadcast last week, an emotional reunion took place between a middle aged woman called Maureen and her brother Michael. Forty years ago, when Maureen was just a teenager, her parents disowned their son for being gay. The move shattered Maureen’s life and ultimately soured her relationship with her parents as well. But, as the years passed, she never gave up hope of meeting her beloved older brother again. After the passing on of her parents, Maureen searched again. Thanks to the hard work of the television station researchers, Michael was located and in one of the series most emotional highlights, brother and sister were reunited. As tears were shed, we learned that healing from homophobia can take place, and even Maureen’s resentment of her parents was resolved. In the words of the gay rights slogan “Love Wins” and here was a loving example of that.