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Hetero Supremacists Will Overpopulate Planet


Population Matters, a campaigning group which advocates for voluntary control of the sheer number of humans on the planet, has started a regular blog to monitor the antics of pro-natalists, whom they define as right wingers, who use a “toxic mix of nationalism, economic anxiety, sexism, racism and contempt for human rights which can combine to drive measures such as abortion bans, restrictions on contraception access and political pressure on women to have more children.” The pro-natalists are without exception fanatical heterosexual supremacists and often allied with racist, corrupt and extreme governments who seek to suppress their own populations. For this reason the new blog by Population Matters will be called “Gilead Watch”, referring to the anti-women dystopia envisaged in Margaret Attwood’s prescient and disturbing novel “The Handmaid’s Tale”. To access the blog and download free reports and campaign briefings, visit Meanwhile, the right wing British newspaper the Daily Express has been slammed as “demented” after publishing an article attacking ecological activists for advocating smaller families. The Express has a long history of anti-feminism, hetero supremacism and anti-reproductive choice. LGBTQIA bloggers were among those who criticised its editorial stance. “The Express is a demented paper who would see the world fry with overpopulation rather than a rational, scientific exploration of human impacts and populations”, quipped one gay man.  

Compulsory Heterosexuality
Forced Heterosexual Marriage
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