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Time to Fight Project 2025


A number of writers have now publicised the document that right wing extremists in the US are rallying around, known as Project 2025.  Victoria A Brownworth writing at Philadelphia Gay News reports that the plan to eviscerate the constitution and impose a fundamentalist form of governance on the US has to be seen in the context of hate groups online and the polarisation of political discourse in the US.  Victoria reminds us " The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) says, “Project 2025 is a federal policy agenda and blueprint for a radical restructuring of the executive branch authored and published by former Trump administration officials in partnership with The Heritage Foundation, a longstanding conservative think tank that opposes abortion and reproductive rights, LGBTQ rights, immigrants’ rights, and racial equity. Project 2025’s largest publication, ‘Mandate For Leadership,’ is a 920-page manual for reorganizing the entire federal government agency by agency to serve a conservative agenda.”  The Heritage Foundation’s plan for the next administration of Donald Trump is a restructuring of the federal government in ways that would eviscerate civil liberties for whole swathes of Americans, notably women, LGBTQ+ people, disabled people and immigrants. Project 2025 would also restrict voting rights even further for Black and brown Americans and would permanently close several departments in the U.S. government, like the Department of Education and the Federal Reserve, while restricting the Department of Justice, FBI and Department of Homeland Security.  Project 2025 has four main policy aims: restore the binary one-man/one-woman family as the core of American life; dismantle the “administrative state;” defend America’s sovereignty and protect its borders; and “secure God-given individual rights to live freely” (but only within a heteronormative Christian context)."  The dangerous policy documents leave little to the imagination and mobilisation against its precepts is needed sooner rather than later.  Check out Philadelphia Gay News for more information.

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