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Police Aim to Build Bridges with Public Day


Avon and Somerset Constabulary, who became the fifth regional police service to respond to campaigner Peter Tatchell's invite for them to apologise to the LGBTQIA+ community for historic policing inequalities, has invited members of the West Country LGBTQIA Community, and their friends, to join them for a community day at The Station Youth Hub on Silver Street in Bristol.  The force spokesperson said "Our Chief Officer for People and Organisational Development, Louise Hutchinson, has responsibility for this area within Avon and Somerset Police and will be hosting this event which has been co-designed with members of the community. Louise's hope is that together we can build a plan to improve our policing for LGBT+ communities, to ensure people have the confidence to report issues such as hate crime, domestic abuse & sexual assault (as well as other issues), as we know these things are currently under-reported to us.   Don't miss out on this opportunity to contribute to the conversation and make an impact on our work. Book your ticket through Eventbrite or email with any questions or accessiblity requirements".   The event will take place on Thursday 22nd February from 6pm.  

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Avon and Somerset Constabulary

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