The left wing weekly newspaper Socialist Worker says that the Cass Report into services for transgender people "bolsters" transphobes and right wing culture war extremists, who are using a moral panic to distract from the woeful performance of a degraded and corrupt conservative government. The paper writes "Dr Hilary Cass’s review into trans children’s healthcare says it aims to “ensure children and young people who are questioning their gender identity” receive “care that meets their needs”. It ensures the opposite. The Cass Review on gender identity services for children, published on 10th April, boosts Tories, bigots and transphobes and will make life harder for trans+ people. Dr Cass paints a picture of medics stampeding to hand out puberty blockers to children. One look at the waiting lists for trans healthcare shows a very different picture".
Protest against the ban on hormone blockers on Sat 20 April, 11.30am, Parliament Square, London. Organised by @Strikeback2024