Mey Rude writing for the web bulletin of LGBT+ magazine Out has some uplifting words to say about Transgender Day of Visibility, after it enraged transphobes in 2024 since it happened to fall on Easter Sunday. Mey writes "On one hand it was hilarious seeing conservatives get in a tizzy because Easter happened to fall on TDoV this year. It was also a reminder that in many ways, transphobia has gotten louder and worse in the ten years since I came out. ..... Those early days of going in public in girl mode before I was even on hormones were terrifying, but now, the hate for trans people has become so much more tangible. It’s like transphobes are actively on the search for trans people to attack. Still, I can’t help but feel hopeful. This rise in anti-trans hate seems so much like the last, desperate swipes of a cornered animal that knows it’s about to die. And as younger generations are getting queerer and queerer, I can’t help but have faith."