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Progressive Religious Groups Support Students


A number of progressive groups that support LGBTQIA+ equality, including Muslims for Progressive Values and branches of the Unitarian Universalist Church, have signed an open letter in which they support recent student occupations of university campuses in the United States over the continuing conflict in the Middle East.  Their statement reads in part "We, the undersigned organizations, stand in solidarity with the students nationwide and globally who are bravely protesting in encampments and otherwise to condemn Israel’s ongoing bombardment of Gaza–actions which human rights organizations, a federal U.S. court, and the International Court of Justice have said “plausibly” constitute genocide.   We commend the students who are exercising their right to protest peacefully despite an overwhelming atmosphere of pressure, intimidation and retaliation, to raise awareness about Israel's assault on Gaza – with U.S. weapons and funding. These students have come forth with clear demands that their universities divest from corporations profiting from Israeli occupation, and demanding safe environments for Palestinians across their campuses. The students’ courage and determination in the face of adversity inspire us all to take action and speak out against injustice wherever it occurs. As they risk everything right now, it is critical that all of us do everything we can to support them."   

LGBTQIA Spirituality
LGBTQIA Students
Student Protest
Middle East
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LGBTQIA Friendly Religions
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LGBTQIA People of Faith
Muslims for Progressive Values
Unitarian Universalism

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