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Major Steps for Church of England in Equality


The Campaign for Equal Marriage in the Church of England  reports that major steps were taken in mid December.  They say "On Tuesday 12 December 2023 the House of Bishops met to commend the ‘Prayers of Love and Faith’ for use starting this Sunday, 17 December.  The only exception is the special stand­alone services for same-sex couples, which are not yet authorized.   Though prayers for same-sex couples in churches have happened for decades, this Sunday (17 December 2023) marks the first time that prayers of blessing can officially happen with the blessing of the Church.    The Campaign for Equal Marriage in the Church of England welcomes this step taken by General Synod and the House of Bishops. We encourage as many churches as possible to make use of the Prayers of Love and Faith in their pastoral ministry. "  Of those groups that oppose marriage equality within the church they say "We are also saddened that some in the Church are opposed to these new liturgies. Opposing Christians offering prayer rooted in love is not something that church groups should be doing. There are generous provisions and safeguards for those who feel unable to use these prayers. Clergy have to opt in to using them, and the bishops have been quite clear that no one will be compelled to use them. The Church has made space in the past on significant differences, such as the ordination of women or the remarriage of divorcees in church, and there is no reason why similar generosity in the common life of the Church cannot be found over prayers for loving same-sex couples."


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