Dana Piccoli of the blog News is Out reports that she is pleased that autumn, or fall, has returned to the North of the United States. She writes that it is a welcome bnbreak after another scorcher of year that is down to manmade global warming. Dana notes "That crispness in the air is back and the leaves are already changing here in Portland, Oregon, where I'm based. This Sunday marked the autumnal equinox and after another scorching summer, I for one am welcoming the drizzle and chill. Fall is also a perfect time to check out and support a queer-owned coffeeshop! Or an LGBTQ+ film at a festival like Newfest or Reeling. If you are in the Bay Area, it's the 41st anniversary of San Fransisco's Folsom Street Fair." News is Out goes on to list some of the United States' friendly LGBTQIA operated coffee shops for people to browse and see if they are near by. Pop along to their website to see if there are any near you! https://newsisout.com/2022/08/queer-owned-and-lgbtq-affirming-coffee-hou...