The issue of corporations sponsoring LGBTQIA+ groups has long been an issue of contention within our community. Is it pinkwashing, as some alleged - an equivalent of the greenwashing that some brands engage in to paper over their less savoury practices. We will let you decide, but Skittles has announced that it has been celebrating the summer by gifting money through its See The Rainbow initiative, run in partnership with LGBTQIA Newswire Pink News. They say Queer Craft is just one example of the kind of grassroots LGBTQ+ groups Skittles are partnering with PinkNews with to highlight this year. For so many LGBTQ+ people, community is everything. From found family to dedicated queer venues to Pride events, finding spaces dedicated to celebrating your identity can be a lifeline. With their ‘See The Rainbow’ campaign, Skittles are uplifting communities that allow people to be their true, authentic selves. By spotlighting groups dedicated to hobbies, Skittles is aiming to shine a light on the communities within the wider LGBTQ+ community, to emphasise who queer people are rather than just what they represent." The significance of grassroots groups like Queer Craft has grown as traditional LGBTQ+ venues face closure. Between 2006 and 2022, London saw more than 60% of its LGBTQ+ spaces close due to rising rents and the cost of living crisis. Given that more than 53% of LGBTQ+ people report hiding their identity at work*, these safe havens are essential not only for socialising but also for exploring and affirming gender and sexual identities. Rusty envisions Queer Craft as more than a crafting circle; it’s a space for learning and empowerment. For a video presentation on Queer Craft and the work that it has undertaken with the support of Skittles, visit the Pink News website. https://www.thepinknews.com/2024/07/11/queer-craft-club-lgbtq-skittles/