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Bristol's Charity Shops Make a Scene at Pride


Pride is being celebrated by numerous companies as we know, but a particular acknowledgement must go to independent, grass roots and not for profit organisations who are also marking the Pride season.  Here in our home city of Bristol, dozens of charity shops are emblazoned with rainbows.  One charity, the British Heart Foundation, has  an online shop for supporters who live away from its many charity outlets.  And within this, there is a Pride special shop selling rainbow branded merchandise, cards and gifts.  So, if you feel like improving the heart health of the country and making a splash of a rainbow statement, you know where to go.  

LGBTQIA Charities
St Peter's Hospice
British Heart Foundation

Our Supporting Stations

BCfm - Our home station. Broadcasting across Bristol on 93.2fm
Gastonbury FM - Broadcasting across Glastonbury on 107.1fm
Bradley Stoke Radio - covering the Bradley Stoke area of Bristol on 103.4fm
Bath Sound - Making a noise about music, events and culture in Bath
Frome FM - covering Frome on 96.6fm
Thornbury FM - Streaming online from Thornbury near Bristol
Wave Radio - Streaming online from Weston Super Mare
Trans Radio UK - Online trans focused radio
The Global Voice - Radio For All!
Medway Pride Radio - for the Rainbow Community & Beyond
KTCR - Connecting Communities
Base Radio
Sanctity of Sound