Forget Oasis next year. Coldplay are living a life of kindness and resilience, says Mira Lazine at LGBTQ Nation newswire. At a recent concert in Dublin, frontperson Chris Martin spotted a transgender man holding up a sign which read "“Trans fan. Coldplay saved my life. It’s my dream to come on stage.” Chris did just that, and the young man, called James and he briefly spoke about the sign he carried. James detailed how the band saved his life through their music, to which Martin said, “You saved my life, it’s the same. It works both ways, I’m afraid. We need you as much as you need us.” James then requested that they play their 2014 hit, Magic. A beautiful video shows him on stage with Martin as the two sing together. The stadium erupted in cheers of support. Martin, and Coldplay as a whole, have expressed their support for LGBTQ+ people previously. They’ve been spotted waving the LGBTQ+ flag at public events, and during the song “People of the Pride,” Martin was draped in a rainbow Pride flag. The song has been adopted by some as an anthem for gay rights. https://www.lgbtqnation.com/