In its round up of news from the trade unions, the left wing weekly Socialist Worker says that a thinly veiled attempt orchestrated by transphobes to undermine the Chairperson of the Society of Writers, that is the main authors union, has fallen flat. The paper says that the defeat for a motion against trans friendly chairperson Joanne Harris was defeated by nearly seven hundred to one hundred. The union has over twelve thousand members and the Socialist Worker argues that this underlines that anti-trans views are held by only a tiny number of people. The motion against Ms Harris was launched by a group led by Julie Bindel, a noted critic of transgender people. Ms Bindel was once a darling of the radical lesbian feminist movement, but since her involvement in transphobic politics, she has drifted to the far right, with her articles now mostly appearing in far right magazines like the homophobic, pro-Imperialist Spectator. One lesbian columnist puns her name as “Julie Swindel”, referring to her alleged selling out of the lesbian movement.