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Lecture Explores a Progressive Agenda for UK


Humanists UK, which campaigns on behalf of people with no religious affiliation, says that tickets are on sale for the Voltaire lecture 2024 on September 10th. Imagine: you are designing a society, but you don't know who you'll be within it – rich or poor, man or woman, gay or straight. What would you want that society to look like?   This is the revolutionary thought experiment proposed by the 20th century's greatest political philosopher, John Rawls. As economist and philosopher Daniel Chandler will argue in the Voltaire Lecture 2024, it is by rediscovering Rawls that we can find a way out of the escalating crises that are devastating our world today.   Taking Rawls's humane and egalitarian liberalism as his starting point, Chandler builds a careful and ultimately irresistible case for a progressive agenda that would fundamentally reshape our societies for the better. He shows how we can protect free speech and transcend the culture wars, get money out of politics, and create an economy where everyone has the chance to fulfil their potential, where prosperity is widely shared, and which operates within the limits of our finite planet.   In a Voltaire Lecture brimming with hope and possibility, Daniel Chandler will offer  a galvanising alternative to the cynicism that pervades our politics.  The event takes place at Conway Hall in London.  More information and tickets are available at:

British Humanist Association
Humanists UK
Progressive Politics
Conway Hall
Ethical Humanism
Ethical Politics
LGBTQIA Humanists
Politics and Society

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