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Real Life Legend from "It's A Sin" Passes On


BBC News Channel reports that one of the characters that inspired the Russell T Davies AIDS period drama It's a Sin has passed on.  'Much loved' Drag Queen Phil Lewis, who Davies first met at West Glamorgan Youth Theatre Company, is cited as having been integral in the creation of the 1980s-based HIV/Aids drama.  Affectionately known as Pinky, Lewis is said to have been a founding member of the actual London flat-share which went on to be dubbed 'The Pink Palace' on the 2021 show.   "What a beautiful man," said Davies in a Instagram post.  Russell T Davies sent his condolences to Pinky's partner and friends, who also inspired characters in It's A Sin, which was made for and transmitted by Channel Four Television in 2020.   It's A Sin broke audience records when it first came out, with 6.5 million viewers streaming within a month of going to air.   However, despite rave reviews and several Bafta nominations it very nearly didn't get made at all, with Davies describing it as a "hard sell" due to its subject matter.   "It's about people dying and a tough piece of work," he said.The series also boasted many celebrity fans who lavished it series with praise.Graham Norton described it as "the best five hours of television I've seen in years", while Sir Elton John said it was "a triumph of creativity and humanity".  Russell T Davies is currently working on the new series of Doctor Who for BBC-1 Television.  

Channel Four Television
Channel 4
It's A Sin
Television Drama
AIDS Crisis

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