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LGBT+ Bookstore Helps Get Books into Schools


Reading is freedom and knowledge is power, as they say.  Queer Lit, in Manchester, one of the whole new wave of radical, independent and LGBTQ+ bookstores to have opened up in the last couple of years, have a fundraiser to help make LGBT+ texts available for gay, trans and freethinking students in schools.  They write 

Our Free Books For Schools campaign has put more than 3000 LGBTQ+ books into schools, to help to educate, support and empower young minds. By donating just £5, you can contribute towards providing these essential resources and promoting inclusivity and understanding.

Education plays a crucial role in eradicating homophobia, transphobia, and biphobia. By introducing diverse perspectives and stories into school curricula, we can foster empathy, break down stereotypes, and encourage acceptance from an early age while supporting young LGBTQ+ who get to see themselves in literature they read at school.

In addition to making a donation, we encourage you to spread the word about this campaign on social media. Together, let's amplify our message of acceptance and understanding, reaching a wider audience and inspiring positive change.

Thank you for standing with us in the fight against homophobia, transphobia, and biphobia. Your generosity and commitment to creating a more inclusive world make a world of difference.

So, if you have a spare tenner to hand, you know where to put it.


Independent Bookstores
Radical Bookstores
LGBTQIA Bookstores

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