Jeremy Rodriguez writes for Philadelphia Gay News on the need for non-alcohol related LGBTQIA+ spaces and for an analytical look at alcohol dependency in our communities. Jeremy writes "According to Alcohol Rehab Guide, up to 25% of the general LGBTQ+ community has moderate alcohol dependency, compared to 5-10% of the general population. There are many reasons for this abuse. For example, LGBTQ+ people may turn to alcohol as a way to self medicate from the regular emotional distress, anxiety, and fear that is associated with being part of a marginalized community. However, this “self-medication” can actually make these symptoms worse and create an even bigger downward spiral. Furthermore, LGBTQ+ people often have less access to support systems. This includes faith-based support groups and even their own families, who may shut them out for not accepting their LGBTQ+ identities.... As Pride month comes to a close, and I turn down yet another invite to a Pride party at a bar, I can’t help but feel sorry for the queers who don’t have a community to engage in sober fun, or somewhere to go outside of the bar scene. I’m not saying “shut down the bars.” After all, I love the occasional cocktail or glass of wine. But there needs to be more places for queers to go to that don’t involve alcohol; safe spaces where we can meet each other and be proud." For the full article of Jeremy's thoughts on this weighty topic, visit https://epgn.com/2024/06/25/we-need-more-sober-spaces-in-the-lgbtq-commu...
If you are affected by problematic alcohol use, then there are many services that are available, non-judging and accepting. You may like to start by calling the National LGBT+ Switchboard. 0800 0119 100.