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Our Shows

Darryl W Bullock - The Velvet...

Broadcast Date: 15/04/2021

On the show today we chat to local author Darryl W Bullock about his book 'The Velvet Mafia', a catch up with Hidayah and more from QueerStory


The Ramadan Rainbow

Broadcast Date: 08/04/2021

OTR Freedom Youth are back with their My5, Steff chats to 3 Queer Muslims about Ramadan & Saski Chats...


TRUK Listens

Broadcast Date: 01/04/2021

Brigstowe, A new listening service from TRUK & the latest episode of QueerStory, all this week on ShoutOut.


Being Visible

Broadcast Date: 25/03/2021

Funding continues for Brigstowe, We chat to Kaz from Trans Pride about Trans Day of Visibility & News Mag looks at Trans issues around the world...


The Census

Broadcast Date: 18/03/2021

On the show we will be talking to Stefan Edwards about the 2021 Census along with a catch up with Hidaya. Plus learning more from QueerStory about 'The Girls of Llagollen'


Spring Into Books

Broadcast Date: 11/03/2021

OTR5, Saski & The books you should be reading this Spring...


Life In A Northern Town

Broadcast Date: 04/03/2021

Robert Kyle talks about his formative years in Leeds. We also have the Brigstowe 5 and the final part of the Anne Lister story from QueerStory.


Tatchell's Activism

Broadcast Date: 25/02/2021

We chat to Peter Tatchell on his life of activism & Saski talks to Katie Neeves of 'Cool2BTrans'.


5 Rivers

Broadcast Date: 18/02/2021

This week, 5 Rivers, we talk about  how you can help foster. QueerStory, part 3 of the Anne Lister story.


Having Pride

Broadcast Date: 11/02/2021

Having Pride in 'us'... Hazell Dean describes her life through the AIDS pandemic & QueerStory with Pride... plus new Queer music from Jamie Jamal, Chloe Payne & Brook Tate...


Out Stories

Broadcast Date: 04/02/2021

On today's show we talk to Cheryl Morgan from OutStories Bristol with Deputy Mayor Asher Craig from Bristol City Council about the LGBT+ History month events they are running with Mshed. We...


The Show Must Go On

Broadcast Date: 28/01/2021

Saski is back, Steff n Hanz chat to the people running a charity to help the thousands of self employed who've lost their income in theatre, and Terry Starr looks back at the major news...



Our Supporting Stations

BCfm - Our home station. Broadcasting across Bristol on 93.2fm
Gastonbury FM - Broadcasting across Glastonbury on 107.1fm
Bradley Stoke Radio - covering the Bradley Stoke area of Bristol on 103.4fm
Bath Sound - Making a noise about music, events and culture in Bath
Frome FM - covering Frome on 96.6fm
Thornbury FM - Streaming online from Thornbury near Bristol
Wave Radio - Streaming online from Weston Super Mare
Trans Radio UK - Online trans focused radio
The Global Voice - Radio For All!
Medway Pride Radio - for the Rainbow Community & Beyond
KTCR - Connecting Communities
Base Radio
Sanctity of Sound